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Issue: 15, 12/31/21

Year: 2021


Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences (IGUSABDER), aims to contribute to national and international scientific literature by publishing impactful research and studies in the field of health sciences. 

Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences accepts manuscripts of original researches, case reports and reviews from various fields of health sciences (nutrition and dietetics, child development, physical therapy and rehabilitation, occupational therapy, nursing, audiology, health management, social work), and also from clinical, para-clinical and basic sciences. This journal is an International peer-reviewed Journal, published thrice-yearly (april, august and december). Accepted manuscripts are published in English or Turkish. 


Purpose and the Scope

Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences (IGUSABDER) aims to contribute to science at the national and international levels by transforming effective practices and researches into scientific publications in the field of health sciences.
In Istanbul Gelisim University Health Sciences Journal (Abbreviated name: IGUSABDER) which is published three times a year original research, case report and review related to health sciences (Nutrition and Dietetics, Child Development, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Ergotherapy, Gerontology, Nursing, Audiology, Orthotic Prosthesis, Perfusion, Health Management, Social Work, Clinic, Para clinic, Biological, and Basic Sciences, etc.). The articles sent to be published in the journal must be in Turkish or English.

Evaluation Process

Original research articles, case reports, and reviews are accepted to the journal. Articles to be submitted must comply with the "writing rules" of our journal. Articles to be sent to our journal should not have been published anywhere before. The articles should not have an ongoing process in another journal. Papers whose abstract part has been published in the proceedings book but whose full text has not been published can be sent to our journal as an article.
Submission of articles and supplements to the journal should be done using the Dergipark online article submission system at http://igusabder.gelisim.edu.tr or https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/igusabder

The articles that come to the journal system are pre-evaluated by the editors within 15 days at the latest. Evaluations are made within the criteria determined in the CONSORT information checklist for the original research article and the PRISMA information checklist for reviews.
The studies that pass the preliminary evaluation stage mentioned above by the editors are forwarded to 2 referees who are experts in their fields. The opinion of the referee is made to the editorial board within 15 days at the latest after the study is sent to the referee.
It uses the double-blind review system in which the names of the referees and authors are reserved at every stage of the evaluation of the articles. Evaluation is made by at least two referees. If one of the two referees gives a negative opinion, the Journal Publishing Commission may review the referee reports and decide to appoint a third referee for the article or return the article to the author. In order for the article to be published, at least two referees must give a positive opinion.
The referees can comment in 4 ways for the study:
- Suitable for publication.
- Suitable for publication after corrections.
- After corrections, referee control is required.
- It is not suitable for publication.
The author(s) who submit articles to the journal are deemed to have accepted the review conditions and process of the journal.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides instant access to its content under Creative Commons copyright licenses and tools (CC BY-NC-ND), enables free public search, and supports a wider global exchange of information. There are no Article Processing Fees (APC) or article submission fees in this journal.


All data and published articles from the Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences are backed up daily and stored closed to access on a third party server. In addition, the metadata and articles of the issues published through the Tübitak-Ulakbim and Dergipark Database are stored and made available.

Publication Ethics

Publishing processes applied in the journal constitute the basis for the development and distribution of information in a neutral and respected manner. The processes implemented in this direction are directly reflected in the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions supporting the authors.
Referee controlled studies are studies that embody and support the scientific method. At this point, it is important that all stakeholders of the process (writers, readers, and researchers, publishers, referees and editors) comply with the standards for ethical principles.
The ethical duties and responsibilities form were prepared as open access, taking into account the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

All publication rights belong to our journal in the works submitted to the journal. When submitting articles to the journal, all authors must sign the “Ethical Responsibility-Conflict of Interest Notice and Transfer of Copyright Form”. In studies requiring ethics committee approval, the "Ethics Committee Approval Document" should be uploaded to the system.

Editors Responsibilities

Editor's General Duties and Responsibilities
Editors are responsible for all publications published in Istanbul Gelisim University Health Sciences Journal. As part of their responsibilities, editors must fulfill the following roles and obligations:
• To ensure that readers and authors are adequately informed
• To ensure the development of the journal and the continuity of the development process
• To carry out the necessary processes to improve the quality of the works published in the journal,
• Supporting and contributing to freedom of thought,
• To ensure academic consistency, scientificity and continuity,
• To continue the broadcasting process in accordance with ethical standards,
• To inform the author of the publication in the same way by evaluating the publication openly and transparently in cases that require revision.

Editors' Relations with Authors

The editors' relationship with the authors should be as follows:
• Studies submitted to the journal should be checked for suitability in terms of content and subject.
• The studies that passed the preliminary evaluation should be sent to the referees by hiding the names of the author (s).
• Referee suggestions should be forwarded to the author without a name and referee-author communication should be provided.
• The authors should be descriptive and informative about the process.

Editors' Relations with Referees

The duties and responsibilities of the editors towards the referees are as follows:
• The referee should ensure that the database represents the community of academics on the subject of the journal and add new referees as needed.
• Determine the referees in accordance with the subject of the study.
• It is obliged to provide the information and guidance that the referees will need during the evaluation phase.
• Must oversee whether there are conflicts of interest among the authors and reviewers.
• In the context of blind refereeing, referees must keep their credentials confidential. Encourage referees to evaluate working in an objective, scientific and objective language.
• Evaluate the referees with criteria such as timely return and performance.
• Implement policies and practices that increase the performance of the referees.

Relations with the Editorial Board

Editors should inform the Scientific Advisory Board members about publication policies and keep them informed of developments.
In addition, editors;
• Scientific Advisory Board should ensure that members evaluate their work impartially and independently.
• Submit scientific studies to members of the Scientific Advisory Board for evaluation.
• Must regularly interact with the Scientific Advisory Board.
• Organize meetings with the Scientific Advisory Board periodically for the development of publication policies and journals.

Authors' Responsibilities

The author (s), who submitted a study to the Istanbul Gelisim University Health Sciences Journal, are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
• The works sent to the journal are expected to be original. If the author (s) benefit from or use other works, they must cite and / or cite completely and accurately.
• Each author is expected to contribute to the design of the study. Authors should contribute to the revision of these one or more parameters: Acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data; creation of new software used in the study; drafting.
• Each author must have confirmed the final version of the study. All authors listed by the journal sign a contract which means that they accept all content, including the list of authors and author contributions.
• The author (s) must have the document showing that they have the right to use the data used, the necessary permissions related to the research / analysis, or that they have been given consent / consent from the researched subjects.
• The responsible author is responsible for the accuracy of all content, including the names, addresses, and memberships of the authors, after the study has been accepted into the journal.
• The responsible author will be the addressee of the questions about the published article after the study has been published. It is her/his responsibility to inform co-authors on all issues that arise in relation to the published article and to ensure that such issues are addressed promptly.
• Authors have the responsibility to inform the responsible author immediately if they become aware of any aspects of published material that require correction.
• Any changes, such as a change in the layout of the list of authors, or the deletion / addition of authors, must be approved by all authors.
• The situations and relations that may constitute a conflict of interest, if any, should be explained. Editors of the Istanbul Gelisim University Health Sciences Journal are not in a position to investigate or decide on author disputes before or after publication. If such disputes cannot be resolved among the authors, they should be directed to the relevant institutional authority.
• The raw data regarding the articles can be requested from the author (s) within the framework of the evaluation processes. In such a case, the author (s) must be ready to present the expected data and information to the editorial board and the scientific board.
• The authors are expected to plan and carry out their work in line with ethical principles. All authors are responsible for the behaviors that will be considered contrary to publication ethics.

Conflict of Interest Statement

According to the general publication principles of Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences, only people who really contribute to the study should be considered as authors. Authors are responsible for reporting all personal and financial relationships that may be parties to their work. When submitting papers to the journal, all authors must explicitly declare a conflict of interest with the "Ethical Responsibility-Conflict of Interest Statement and Copyright Transfer Form".
The editors are responsible for managing the peer review process and have the right to reject the article in case of any conflict of interest. Editors should not be in any personal and / or financial conflict of interest with the articles they are assigned to. If editors are on the author list of a submitted article, they are excluded from the evaluation process of that article.

Plagiarism Control

All articles sent to Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences are checked using Turnitin, iThenticate, and Urkund plagiarism software. In line with the similarity report produced by the software, the editors decide to have the article evaluated or refused directly.

Pricing Policy

Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences does not require any article submission and / or evaluation fee for all articles that the evaluation process has been completed and accepted. The journal is published online and in print three times a year.

There are no Article Processing Fees (APC) or article submission fees in this journal.

 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)